Sexual Consent

Sexual Consent… is… – a voluntary, enthusiastic yes – un-assumed – mandatory   can be… – verbal – non-verbal – withdrawn at any point – for some things and not others   © Hannah Witton, “Doing it” p. 118 And what if you are not 100% sure that you are Read more…

Sexual Education

…is more than „the birds and the bees“. The aim of sexual education is to open up a room for the discussion of different topics and enabling people to make self-determined decisions concerning their own sexuality and sexual identity. Comprehensive sexual education contains topics like consent, gender roles, media, anatomy, Read more…

Sexual Orientation

Sexual Orientation is a part of a person’s identity and is about who you are attracted to and want to have (sexual) relationships with. There are several categories for sexual orientations, but it’s up to you to decide to use them. Sometimes categories are helpful to clarify or address something. Read more…


First of all: sexuality is relevant in every stage of life — in different ways. Within the document “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Federal Centre for Health Education in Germany (BZgA) you can find the comprehensive definition of sexuality for professionals Read more…

Sexualized Violence

We consider all acts against the sexual autonomy of a person as sexualized violence. Sexualized violence can take different forms, such as sexualized comments and remarks, direct or via phone or internet, unwanted touching, forced kissing, showing and producing of pornography, manipulation of the genitals, anal/oral/vaginal rape etc….For different reasons Read more…