Sometimes explaining the topic of Sexual Education to policiy makers or representatives of media and non-governmental organizations can be rather challenging.
Here we’d like to share two approaches for that matter:
- The “Policy Briefs” by BZgA, UNFPA Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia and the WHO Regional Office for Europe
- 12 reasons for sex education – by lil*- Zentrum für Sexuelle Bildung
The Policy Briefs
The Policy Briefs cover key topics like the definition and the impact of sexual education, as well as the basic principles and first steps to implement in-school sexual education. The Briefs are available in English and Russian and provide short, concise information at first glance.
Example giving:
Policy Brief No.1 Sexuality Education: What is it? gives a general review on sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia, and hightlights particular aspects such as for example
– the history of sexuality education in Europe,
– the positive impact of sexuality education
– myths and facts about sexuality education
-and sexuality education based on human rights.Download – Sexuality Education Policy Brief No 1
12 reasons for sex education
What people perceive to be sexual education is often blatantly different from the actual state of knowledge of young, young-at-heart and not-so-young people. Therefore we published a low-threshold blog post that covers 12 different perspectives on sex education to show the wide range of this topic. The content may open up and support the discussion