Sexualized Violence

We consider all acts against the sexual autonomy of a person as sexualized violence. Sexualized violence can take different forms, such as sexualized comments and remarks, direct or via phone or internet, unwanted touching, forced kissing, showing and producing of pornography, manipulation of the genitals, anal/oral/vaginal rape etc….For different reasons Read more…


When talking about sexual education in public, it is important to be sensitive to the subject and the taboos associated with it in order to avoid scandal. In this way, we create an open culture of discussion and dialogue on topics of sexual education so that all people can ask Read more…

Vulnerable Groups

We want to talk more about the different environments people are in and the challenges they are dealing with. People that are under the situation of economic, cultural or social exclusion or that demonstrate behaviours at risk to be in a state of exclusion are vulnerable groups. To work with Read more…