The World Health Organization regional office and Federal Center for Health Education in Germany (BZgA) provide a good example for Europe-wide „standards for sexuality education“. We use these standards as well as the national and international legal frameworks and recommendations as guidelines in our work.

The trained people who take on these topics – topics that are still taboo in our society – and do it with education, sensitivity, self-confidence and awareness for diversity deserve to be valued for the work they do. Because of this, we advocate for standards, training and communication about our work – #professional attitude.

We stand for sexual education with a focus on Diversity, Equality, Gender Rights, Social Responsibility, Knowledge and Professional Attitude.

* The common understanding of relevant terms of sexual education is an important fact in order to discuss and communicate about sexuality “unexcited”. Our goal is to open these discussions and to inform about our attitude and background. The definition of this glossary content we have agreed on as a project team to prove best practice and quality assurance.
