The term diversity covers both, the varieties of „being human“ and the value judgements that are associated with it. It was coined by sociologists to describe the coexistence of differences and common traits among human beings relating them to the predominant social value judgements.
The diversity approach is used to analyze group processes focusing on the differences and common values within the group, as well as setting a frame for the critical reviewing of judgements.
Diversity-education aims at both, a coexistence within groups that is characterized by the absence of fear or marginalization, and, at a critical reflexion of the norms and values predominant in the social systems of the group members.
* The common understanding of relevant terms of sexual education is an important fact in order to discuss and communicate about sexuality “unexcited”. Our goal is to open these discussions and to inform about our attitude and background. The definition of this glossary content we have agreed on as a project team to prove best practice and quality assurance.