What is Sexual Education in Poland like?
There is no compulsory sex education in Polish schools, but all pupils from 4th class of primary school can participate in family life education subject. These are very specific classes, that should be carried out by prepared specialists.

Even if the teacher finished special postgraduate studies and got the experience, it is e
An important basis for a supportive atmosphere is, that there are no tests to check, no grades to be issued. But on the other hand, there are a lot of different challenges. To make a lesson interesting and fruitful, the teacher should open up and encourage students to take part in discussions, encourage the topic. And finally – overcome his/her own resistance when discussing some issues.
It’s very important for teachers to
- Be prepared.
- Be sure that things you do are important, needed, age-appropriate and low threshold.
- Consider that pupils’ questions are sometimes coded.
- Questions and words can seem as provocation sometimes, but they result from curiosity, lack of information or heard stereotypes.
- It is productive to create an atmosphere, where pupils can ask their questions in a safe space and familiar setting
- Answer their questions in an age-appropriate and unexcited way to give them the possibility to find tools to make self-informed decisions
So… what do you think is the most special aspect of being a “family life education” teacher?
This blog article was contributed by our partner “Stowarzyszenie Nowa Kultura i Edukacja” from Poland.